A New Calia Review!

Hello Calia community! 

We are so excited to have a new customer review for you! We love to share your reviews and invite you to email them, or post them to our Facebook page. Thank you to our new customer Melinda for the latest! Have a wonderful weekend! 

I am so pleased to have found your shampoo and hair conditioning products!  I have been looking around in my local food co-operatives for many months for a good organic choice of hair and skin products, but frustratingly to no avail. In most cases I've found that the actual ingredients of the products are not well explained, and in the end not something natural enough, or desirable to put on my body. The prices tend to be very expensive, making them impractical for me in the long-term as well.

I belong to a gym where I exercise regularly, and in the women's locker room, someone had left 2 containers of your products: one shampoo and one conditioner. There was just a very small amount left in the bottles and they remained in that locker room untouched for weeks!  I noticed them on account of the word organic on the label and I had never heard of Calia products. So eventually, since no one was claiming them, I gave them a try.......and LOVED the way my hair felt!

I immediately came home and looked your product up online. I was so pleased to see I could order easily! I also opted for the skin cream as that is also something I am seeking. Your prices are very fair and reasonable, and your products are so far wonderful.

Thank you for providing a healthy, viable choice for those of us to whom a quality, organic option matters. I am most appreciative!



Shop our entire store here.

Yours naturally, 

Randy and the Calia crew

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