Two New Calia Customer Reviews!

Hello Calia community! 

We've got two new reviews to share with you, our amazing community! Read on to learn just how our products are making a difference in our customer's lives. This is why we do what we do! 

Big changes in your life, environment, or changes in which products you use all have an effect on your hair. You may notice a difference when moving to a new location as a result of water type, or when switching to Calia from other products. The important thing is to stick with it and discover the benefits for yourself. These two reviews highlight this perfectly!

Want to be featured in our newsletter? We invite you to email your review, or post one to our Facebook page! Read on for Crysten and Katelyn’s stories: 
"I recently moved to Washington State from California and where I live now does not have softened water. Over the last few weeks since moving to Washington, my hair has been gross and sticky. I found out about Calia through a YouTube channel I watch and thought I would give it a try.

I am very happy to say that the shampoo and conditioner I got cut through all that grease and now my hair is so soft and silky. I haven't had to wash my hair for a few days either, and have even fallen in love with the leave-in conditioner because it does not leave any residue feeling. 

~ Crysten"



I actually found out about Calia 2 years ago from my older sister. She told me how amazing your product was and got me some for my birthday. I hated it. My hair never felt clean and always seemed greasy. I asked my sister why she liked it so much and she told me to just keep using it until the bottles were gone.

By the end of the first two weeks, I loved it and realized my hair was too accustomed to all the chemicals in other shampoos and conditioners. After those two weeks, I never had an issue with my hair being oily, as it was with the previous products I used to get compliments from everyone and my hairdresser tells me to never stop using Calia. Not only is Calia an amazing product, they have fantastic customer service. Once when I made quite a big order during Christmas they informed me that the order may be late, but for the inconvenience, they sent me one free bottle and a personal note and it was still delivered before Christmas.

My whole family uses Calia and I love this product!

Sincerely your biggest fan,

~ Katelyn"

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Thank you for reading! 

Yours naturally, 

Randy & the Calia Crew

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